Bunt Bits
Right-Sizing Parking to Encourage Sustainable Transportation
The Canadian Parking Association (CPA) Annual Conference and Trade Show will take place from October 1 to 4 in Calgary, AB. In support of the conference’s theme “Parking & Mobility – Progressing Together”, we are delighted to have Ezekiel Dada, Regional Manager of Southern Alberta & Saskatchewan at Bunt & Associates, sharing his perspective on right-sizing parking and its impact on mobility and communities in CPA’s latest publication – the 2023 Parker Special Conference Issue.
At Bunt, we firmly believe in the power of active transportation. The innovative approach of right-sizing parking seeks to harmonize parking supply with actual demand while promoting sustainable transportation options to foster healthier, more livable communities. In the article titled “Right-Sizing Parking: Balancing Parking Demand and Encouraging Active Transportation”, Ezekiel shares his insights and Bunt’s experience in doing parking studies and providing solutions to achieve zero parking.
To read more, check out page 32 of the conference issue.
Posted: September 2023