Bunt Bits
Students and the Community on Transportation
Bunt & Associates has been busy hosting student sessions and judging transportation competition events with various community groups.
Bunt staff Christephen Cheng, Matt Taylor and James Lee presented at the University of British Columbia on the topic “The New Era of Mobility” in front of an audience of 30 students. The students were also educated on the life of an Engineer-in-Training for those interested in pursuing a career in transportation engineering. Additionally, the Iranian Engineers of BC Association (IEBCA) and the Association of Chinese Canadian Engineering Professionals and Technologists (ACCEPT) hosted a contest to promote a regional conversation with local stakeholders and decision-makers. Christephen Cheng and James Lee were judges for the competition where participants presented their solution to the traffic congestion problem in metro Vancouver. Also, our Senior Transportation Engineer, Yulia Liem was a judge for the DeCode Congestion Hackathon hosted by the City of Vancouver. The event sparked ideas involving new technologies for a safe and reliable transportation network.
Decode Congestion Hackathon Photo Credit: City of Vancouver
Posted: December 2019